Office Visits and Immunizations

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There is a recommended schedule of well-baby visits to which you should bring your baby. These visits will give us a chance to check on your baby's growth and development, to talk with you about the care of your baby and to offer guidance as your baby grows. Immunizations against a wide variety of important childhood illnesses are generally given at these well-baby visits.

Our policy requires children to be immunized as directed by the physicans of Brownsboro Park Pediatrics and based on the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics vaccine schedule.  This policy will require children to be up to date on his/ her immunizations by no later than 2 years of age.


Recommended Office Visits



3-5 days Hospital follow-up
10-14 days Newborn check-up
1 month Check-up, Vaccines
2 months Check-up, Vaccines
4 months Check-up, Vaccines
6 months Check-up, Vaccines
9 months Check-up, Vaccines
1 year Check-up, Vaccines
15 months Check-up, Vaccines
18 months Check-up, Vaccines
24 months Check-up, Vaccines
30 months Well check
Yearly well checks after 3 years of age.

Office Hours



7:30am. to 5:00pm.

8:30am. to Noon
(By Appointment Only)



6002 Brownsboro Park Blvd.
Louisville, KY 40207